Plantz, J.W., Flake, J.K., Wright, K. (in review). A methodological synthesis on the construction of forced-choice assessments.
Plantz, J.W., Elbaz, S., Brenneman, M., & Flake, J.K. (in review). A systematic review of the validity evidence reported for non-cognitive educational assessments.
Plantz, J.W., Flake,J.K., & Wright, K. (2022). The Character Skills Snapshot: Impact and Investigation of Differential Item Prediction [White Paper]. The Enrollment Management Association.
Plantz, J. W., Neal, T. M., Clements, C. B., Perelman, A. M., & Miller, S. L. (2023). Assessing Motivations for Punishment: The Sentencing Goals Inventory. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 50(1), 139-162.
Anderson, J., Plantz, J.W., Glocker, S., Zapf, P. (2021). The MacCAT-CA and the ECST-R in Competency to Stand Trial Evaluations: A Critical Review and Practical Implications. Journal of Personality Assessment. DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2021.2006671
Line, E.N., McCowan, K., Plantz, J.W., Neal, T.M.S. (in press). Expert witness testimony. Routledge Encyclopedia of Psychology in the Real World.
Bozeman, A.& Plantz, J.W. (2020). A brief research review. The Gavel Newsletter. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Plantz, J.W. (2023). Brief Report on Equating Two Versions of The Character Skills Snapshot (Internal Report). The Enrollment Management Association.
Plantz, J.W. (2023). The Teacher and Student Ratings Snapshot (TR/SR-Snapshot). Proposal (Internal Proposal). The Enrollment Management Association.
Plantz, J.W., Flake, J.K, Wright, K. (2021) The Character Skills Snapshot: Impact and Investigation of Differential Item Prediction (Internal Report). The Enrollment Management Association.
Posters and Presentations
Plantz, J.W., J.K., Flake & Wright, K. (2023, June). Anchor Item Requirements for the Free Baseline DIF Approach in Thurstonian-IRT. Modern Modeling Methods, Connecticut, U.S.
Plantz, J.W., J.K. Flake. & Wright, K. (2022, July). Differential item functioning in forced-choice response models. International Measurement and Psychometrics Society, Bologne, Italy.
Plantz, J.W. & J.K., Flake. (2022, June). Evaluating Differential Item Function: Differences Between Likert vs Forced-Choice Response Models in Group Comparisons. Canadian Psychological Association, Calgary, AB.
Alley. L, Plantz, J.W., & J.K., Flake. (2022, June). Understanding and addressing threats to measurement validity in large scale replication studies. Canadian Psychological Association, Calgary, AB.
Plantz, J.W. & Neal, T. (2020, November). The Sentencing Goals Inventory: Validation. ASU M.S. Psychology Brown Bag Series, Phoenix, AZ.
McCowan, K., Plantz, J.W., Mathers, E., Barcelo, J., Neal, T.M.S. (2020, March). Juror scientific reasoning skills and discussion of scientific evidence during deliberation. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
Denne, E., Line, E.N., Plantz, J. W., Mathers, E., Selman, S., & Neal, T.M.S. (2020, March). What we can learn from jury note taking: A content analysis. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA.
Plantz, J.W. & Neal, T. (2020, March). The Sentencing Goals Inventory. ASU M.S. Psychology Brown Bag Series, Phoenix, AZ.
Plantz, J.W. & Neal, T. (2019, April). Prison Inmates’ Perception of Treatment and Treatment-Seeking Behaviors: A Study Proposal. Poster presented at the ASU NCUIRE Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.
Plantz, J.W., Mathers, E., Milligan, R., Velazquez, A., Fatula, E., Rincon, S., McCowan, K., Line, E., Denne E., Neal, T. (2019, April). How Jurors Deliberate Scientific Evidence: Undergraduates Assisting an NSF Project (2018-2019). Poster presented at the ASU NCUIRE Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.